Thursday, December 4, 2008

Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective India:

McKinsey report predicted that India is going to be the number one in near future. But after the recent attack on the Mumbai crown Taj, people all over the nation are insecure about whether they will live to see this position of their motherland. I was wondering to what level we are ineffective in terms of our development and security Stephen Covey has comprehended ‘Seven Habits of highly effective people’. I comprehended ‘Seven Habits of Highly ineffective IndiaJ . Please do not misunderstand my attitude as critical or fault finding. I am just confused about what will I do amidst of this financial turmoil and security breached nation


Habit 1 Be Proactive:  Our IB is exceptionally well. Their research and networks told them that an attack would strike in Mumbai on all sea facing hotels. But then it forgot about it or mistakenly they must have Shft+deleted that info. Anyways they’re not that smart that they can wash their hands with politicians. They expected Cops to guard everything, check everything and yes we citizens had to be our own watchmen.


Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind: This is what our Politicians and bureaucrats follow religiously. Be it Narendra modi who offered Rs. 1 Crore as compensations for the martyrs or Vilasrao deshmukh who along with his budding star son Ritesh and Director turned failure Ram Gopal Verma to make a trip to the debris at the Taj. The US too wanted to fire at Pakistan since long time but now it has a good reason. It is necessary to begin with end in the mind.


Habit 3 Put first things first: Indian government is pretty busy in making India the Acme of Globe but little does it know that if it doesn’t care for the Nation internally, this number one position is of no use. They wanted to make Mumbai “Shanghai” but it is becoming Kabul or to some extent Islamabad.


Habit 4 Think win/win:  Our media possesses superb ‘TRP first’ attitude and hence were working for terrorists in disguise. Tracking all the events of the black commandos and feeding coginzance to bloody terrorists and when you ask them for Censorship--- We hear freedom of press and media. This is how you should think win/win!!


Habit 5 Seek first to understand:   When rumours increase, and when there is abundance of noise and clamour, beleive the second report Yes we too are very frantic and excited about the then problems and we make our own speculations be it stock market or war or a brink of war. The Indian population assesses the situation even before it actually happens. Let’s raise a toast for us.


Habit 6 Synergize:

Needs no elaboration

We need to make the effective seventh habit to annul all the six ineffective habits.

Habit 7 Sharpen the saw: Three urgent steps that needs to be taken to send a signal to the perpetrators and as well as the victims that this time round Indian political leadership will take visible action and "Walk the Talk". 
1)Destroy Internal Terror Support Network 
Internal Elements/known suspects/peripherally suspected/passive helpers, residing in any part of India, supporting terror activities should be dealt with very severely. 

2)Cripple the Source 
26 Nov should be treated as India's 9/11 
a) All known training camps outside the country should be attacked and destroyed. 
b) All known terror suspects hiding out openly in neighboring countries should be flushed out by mounting unprecedented global pressure on their governments. 

3)Police force of all states to be better equipped, trained and the most advanced surveillance systems to be deployed nationwide on a scale that will by itself act as a deterrent.